One Health Epidemiology Fellowship Program Coordinator: Nepal

25 June 2016
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25 June 2016, Comments 0

One Health epidemiology program was launched in Nepal on October, 2014 by National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Center (NZFHRC) as a key contractor and Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries University (AFU) as the subcontractor. This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by Massey University of New Zealand. It is two year program and six fellows were selected from the public health, animal health and wildlife health sectors in Nepal. The contract was signed between Vice Chancellor of Massey University and Executive Chairman of NZFHRC as per predefined roles and responsibilities. As per the guideline, NZFHRC is facilitating OH fellows to provide student friendly academic environment.

The overall objective is to develop a collaborative approach to investigation and control of zoonotic diseases among the human, animal, and wildlife health sectors through education and joint action.

The core of the program is a One Health Epidemiology Fellowship in which participants from the human health, animal health, and wildlife sectors in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan undertake Master’s degree education in epidemiology and bio-security delivered by Massey, and then apply that education in a collaborative framework to conduct applied research and education extension activities using a multi-sectoral One Health approach. The participants will undertake the Fellowship program in their home country within an organizational framework that provides a collegial and collaborative work environment and facilitates in-country supervision of fellowship activities.

The National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre has participated in research projects either by its own initiation or in collaboration with other national and international institutions and donor agencies. Present activities include the following:

Others ongoing research projects

1. Surveillance of Brucellosis in animals in different districts of Nepal. Supported by DDJ Research Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

2. Surveillance of Toxoplasmosis in animals in different districts of Nepal. Supported by DDJ Research Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

3. Surveillance of Cysticercosis in animals in different districts of Nepal. Supported by DDJ Research Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

4. Surveillance of Echinococcosis in animals in different districts of Nepal. Supported DDJ Research Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Surveillance of Leptospirosis in animals in different districts of Nepal. Supported by DDJ Research Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal.

6. Focal point office for One Health Alliance for Nepal (OHAN).

7. One Health Epidemiology Fellowship Program Coordinator: Nepal

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