Objectives & Functions

Objectives & Functions:


This research centre has the following objectives

– To conduct and formulate the surveillance of zoonotic and food borne diseases prevalent in Nepal

– To develop routine monitoring surveillance activities focusing on different stages of diseases (pre outbreak, during outbreak and post out break)

– Snake bite surveillance and production of anti-venon.

– Food borne zoonotic disease: salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, botulism, molds, yeast

– Prevention and protection of animals against cruelty.

– To conduct interaction workshops with health authorities about surveillance and control strategy plan of zoonotic diseases

– To promote research collaboration with different institutions.

– To disseminate awareness programme about zoonotic and food borne diseases among pubic.

– To carry out detailed feasibility studies on zoonotic and food borne diseases and develop implementation projects for governmental and private organizations.

– Advancement of zoonotic and food borne disease knowledge for development of better public health policy and action.

– Promotion of research, extension and training in zoonoses.

– Appropriate technology transfer to Nepal related zoonoses.
      – Genetic analysis of different strains of diseases
      – Waterborne disease surveillance and analysis
      – Epi-Info, SPSS and other database system of analysis and report writing
      – Agro-Ecosystem Health Approach
      – Geographical Information System (GIS) in disease surveillance

– Bacterial Zoonoses: Brucellosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, botulism and fungal diseases e

– Viral Zoonoses: Japanese encephalitis, rabies

– Parasitic Zoonoses: Echinococcosis/hydatidosis, taeniasis, visceral leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, trichinosis, toxoplasmosis, filariasis,

– To strengthen one health alliance in Nepal.


The National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre has the following specific functions:

– Conduct and promote research in priority areas of zoonoses and food safety.

– Advise Government of Nepal (GoN) on formulation of technology transfer policy and its implementation. Technical advisor for legislative issues such as the Meat Inspection Act.

– Conduct research programmes on zoonotic diseases in collaboration with national and international organizations.

– Conduct and promote research in priority areas of zoonoses and food safety.

– Advise Government of Nepal (GoN) on formulation of technology transfer policy and its implementation. Technical advisor for legislative issues such as the Meat Inspection Act.

– Conduct research programmes on zoonotic diseases in collaboration with national and international organizations.

– Develop and disseminate zoonotic disease information

– Organize seminars and workshops

– Write articles for scientific journals and attend international and national conferences on zoonotic diseases.

– Dissemination of research finding of zoonotic diseases in scientific national/international journals and conferences

– Mobilize internal and external resources for Health System Research (HRS) for the development of Veterinary Public Health.

– Enhance public awareness towards the importance of zoonotic disease.

– To conduct stakeholder meeting both at central and local level to obtain necessary input for conducting research and implementing control strategy.

– Awareness programme for prevention and protection of animals against cruelty.